Today’s post is focused on the history between the Old and New Testaments. I want to increase your understanding of this time period for a few reasons:

  • When you see what God is doing in the silence you realize that He did not abandon His people—He’s very active, He has simply using the most effective method He can to recapture their attention since they refuse to respond when He speaks.
  • When you understand the things that happened leading up to the time of Jesus, you better understand what was happening when Jesus comes along.
  • When you see that God is doing great things in history—even though He’s not recording them in Scripture—you’ll think differently about the present age. There’s all kind of miracles and amazing things happening because God is at work—God is just as real today as He is in Scripture. The present day and age in Clarksville Tennessee is just as exciting and amazing as Jerusalem in 40 AD. God doesn’t need our part of the story to be a part of His message to the world in Scripture—but it is worthy of record and it reveals His awesome plan, just the same. Scripture contains the essentials, not the whole story. I have a feeling there will be an account of our lives in heaven somewhere…

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